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Chan Hong
Chia Qi
Hui Yi
Jie Yi
Jing Hui
Kai Lin
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Pei Xuan
Ren Hong
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Shi Yuan
Wei Jie
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Friday, January 30, 2009

Had our first wet weather programme(smth lyk dat) todae. So i was lyk sotong lyk dat dono wad to do. First lesson was Home Econ so figured dat i put my bag in Home Econ rm(n also cus Shi Yuan said so =D) So den Moe Han, Shi Yuan, Lionel, Xiao Nan n I walk up five floors n put bags in Home Econs rm. Walk up thr but door bo open=.= Waste time. Waited for Mrs Yeo to open de door. When she came, she ask y we cme up cus we suppose to go classrm say pledge....=.= So we place bag thr n ran down five floors. Really wasting time siiax. So when we reach classrm, evry1(well...nearly evry1) was already thr... lucky they nvr notice us cus all of dem very very busy talking away. Den techer came in n blah dis blah dat. Blahblahblahblahblah. Den had Home Econ. We cooked macaroni with chicken><. Well.....Nai Kang chopped evrything up so i no nid chop^^ haha. Den i 'shreaded' de chicken....Lolx.... Den I had to go wash de utensils blahblahblah lorhx(nearly evrything was washed by mi, cus he dun wan wash). So miie n Chan wash lorhx. Wash halfway Nai Kang n Moe Han go dump all their items in de sink lorhx so miie n Chan Hong had to wash them also=.= Den Chan say she don wan touch Moe Han saliva so pass his cup give mi wash.....>< Don care so much so wash larh n pass back to her after dat brought some macaroni back. Den we had Maths. Nth much happened so wont say. Den was recess. Stayed in class to practice class cheer. After dat was Bio. Wet to lab cus projector spoil. Teacher kept scolding susan, haha. After Bio was HCL. BORINGGGGGGGG. Sit thr n write wad de teacher say lorhs. Nearly fell asleep thx to him. Lunch. Ate n went back to class. English. De lesson was ok larhx cus we didnt do much^^. Den was enichment. Did some folk dancing with Chan Hong, Chen Ru n Chia Qi. Paired up with Chen Ru n she go hit my hand so damned hard dat it turned red.... But it was quite funny cus we were lyk sotong anyhw grab. Den dismissed. Had NPCC training so changed to tracks. Fell in at front of NPCC rm n blahblahblah. So den we go get writing materials n gather at 2/05(?) classrm. Den Sergeants say gt wad relay system or smth den i in charge of de girls. Die. So den we did some training n practice some drills(?) Den they say we girls must tie hair in ponytail. YAY!!!!!!! No more plaits!!!! Gave us 2 mins to tie. OMG anyhw tie cus only gt 2 mins. Den we outside classrm so must ask permission enter agn. Evry1 ask miie shout. So shout lorhs. Den enter.So they briefed us.... blahblahblahblahblah den we DISMISSED!! Wait for father ato fetch miie home... End of story n I going play cards lerhx so BYE!!!

Blogged @ 5:43 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

24 Jan
Had steamboat at maternal grandmother's house. When thr at bout five. My mother went thr at bout 2~3(?). So when reach thr, she waas playing majong with grandfather n two cousins. Accidentally called one of them uncle=.= PAISEHS HORHX><>
25 Jan
Had steamboat agn todae....nw gt slight stomachache.....=.=Todae at own home^^ My cousins came. The ones living next block came first. I go call Alvin korkor UNCLE. I was expecting a scolding. But guess wad he said? He said i very 'guaii'. LOLx. Den ltr de rest came. Strt eating. Fishing for mushrooms in de pot. Haha. Eat finish lerhx I place my fon on de table n walk off. Den my cousins shout at miie cus my fon gt sms frm Lionel. Den they say its my boiifren.....=.= Screamed my head off at them, but they keep repeating.... Ignored them... went to de rm see my sis play with cousins...... End larhx dono wad too post......

Blogged @ 6:41 AM

Thursday, January 22, 2009

22 Jan

Strted lyk a norm dae so don wan talk bout it. After sku den gt thing say. So den last lesson finish lerhx Ka Yan, Xin Lin n I go change to PE attire cuz gt NPCC 'training' or smth. After change den we go put de bag at de NPCC rm thr. Trainig supposed o strt at 3 but we were thr at about 2.40(?) so we wait lorhx. Den ltr gt one girl as if we sec 1. We ans her den she ask us move our bags to another corner n gather. After dat we go get writing materials n run to 103 classrm cuz they say wan brief us. Go in de rm also must ask permission one lehx, lyk 'Permission to enter the rm (person's rank)' den can go in. Go in liiaos de they brief us, say must sit up straight, don fidget, etc...... So we sit thr n nvr move(I move abit><). Our ma'am very fierce n strict but dat's gd, can discipline us.Haha. evrytime she ask us ques must ans either 'Yes Ma'am' or 'No Ma'am' den she will say we 'guai'... They also teach us hw to fall in. I standing in front row, block evry1 behind miie... Den we go sit in a circle n lyk introduce each other. Introduce finish lerhx den call father cme fetch miie. By dat time already 6 smth le.
23 Jan

Gt Chinese New Year celebration. Strt dae as usual, flag raising ceremony blahblahblah de. Lessons for a while. Home Econ=Gt test=DIE!!! So ltr mark test den i gt 8/10. Lucky cus i thought i fail. Den gt performance. Go hall n sit thr. First is CO. Performed 2 songs. Followed by......... OPPS, I FORGOT DE REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARHX!!!!!!!!!!! Nvm. Den ltr Sok Hian (PS if spell wrong) Give us cake n biscuits^^ but I nvr take =.= After concert we go take bag n go home. Walking halfway Ju Xian suddenly call miie frm behind, say Lionel wan disturb miie or smth, didn't get wad he said. So walk with Ju Xian n Lionel for a while n talk nonsense. Say dono wad wan Ju Xian fall down drain n die cus he facing us n walking backwards so he cant see. Lolx. So den we walk to MRT station thr den they say wan go eat smth den walk off. So i walk for a while den some1 go WHACK MY HEAD DAMN HARD!!! Turn around n found out dat it's Lionel...... Bloody guy my head still hurts kayes!!! Den he ask mi 2 turn around n see whr Ju Xian go. I turn around n saw alot of ppl, but no Ju Xian. Den suddenly saw him coming-pushing a wheelchair-bound old man. Wah.... So helpful horhx... So we lyk follow him bring de man up to de MRT station thr. Den after dat i go lerhx. Go back home of course...
LOL de dat of posting is 23 Jan, nt 22 Jan n I do nt noe y izit underlined.....=.=

Blogged @ 8:51 PM

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Okies I just came back frm orientation camp yesterdae n I thought it ROXRULES!!!!! So this will be an extemely long post.
Went to sku on 16 Jan(Fri) n saw Shi Yuan, Chan Hong n Renee. Chan Hong helped miie to tie my plaits cus i tie till very messy lorhx. Then assemble at parade square n have morning assembly. After dat Veronica pass miie her sleeping bag cus i don have. Thx Veronica!!! U're so sweet^^ Following dat we went to assemble in de hall for a briefing bout de camp. We sit in index no. so I was first n Chan Hong was behind miie then our class councillors ask us pass down a booklet for de camp schedules blah blah blah des. Den ltr we bored so both of us put Veronica n Chun Xian as a couple cus they r our class's main councillors, n both miie n Chan Hong keep laughing at them when they standnig/talking together. Then Veronica saw us laughing at her n she was lyk 'Why you two keep laughing?' or lyk 'Eh, stop laughing larhx!!!' So she ask us we laugh for wad. We nvr say anything so she keep saying 'Tell miie!!!' So we tell her lorhx. Den she keep making this action lyk wanna whack us lyk dat lorhx. Haha. Den we say 'Veronica you sexy you look lyk ~WHOO!!!' Den she give miie payback n say dat to miie. So I say back to her agn lorhx, together with Chan Hong, Shi Yuan, Natalie n Renee. Den we go put our bags in 108 classrm n den change to OC t-shirt n go parade square play games. Gt 1 newspaper game rites, we suppose to stand on de newspaper(i think 5 pieces?) but canot larhx of course. But we tried. I carry Shi Yuan on my shoulders n she was lyk so heavy lorhx. After dat we had to camouflage Chun Xian(councillor) but he keep running away lorhx. In de end some ppl caught him n I go take some black face paint n draw his face(REVENGE!!!!HAHAHAHA!!!!) n wrap him in some green paper. N on dat nite, we had ......
HAUNTED WALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In our school compound larhs of course. There were four stations larhx. Our class was split into 2 grps. I was in grp A, 2gether with 'Cousiin(Lionel)', 'Uncle(Qin Kai)', 'Mummie(Chia Qi)'n 'Auntiie(Susan!!)'. At de first station there were no 'ghosts', only gt 3 councillors there telling us some story bout this gal(Adeline?) hu had a cursed teddy n she committed suicide so we had to find some items to put her spirit to rest or smth. Den we go second rm. Dono wad to expect lorhx so just pray dat nth happen. We suppose to find a charm with stained 'blood' on it in 15 minutes. So we lyk search de whole rm lorhs. Den some1 found it so we went out of de rm. Second rm nt ready yet so we wait outside. While waiting, I saw 3 ppl sitting on de floor, 2 gals 1 boii. De boii looked very very familiar so i take my light sticks n put near his face there lorhx, n realised he look so lyk Nicholas lorhx . Den he was lyk 'Wad?'. So I ask him 'R u Nicholas?' . Den he was lyk 'Eh? Hw euu noe I..... ORH I NOE YOU!!!!! I look for you for very long liiaos still cannot find you lorhx!!!! Finally found you!!!' LOLX!!! It was really him lehx!!! He go use his paper to whack my light sticks lorhx. After dat de 3rd rm ready liiaos so we went in. We supposed to look for a purple light stick. Den gt this guy(pretend 'ghost') his face damn white n he keep following miie around lehx..... Den he suddenly go smack miie very hard n went 'RARRRRR!!!' Walaos ehx I gt big fright cus of him..... Den we found light stick n proceed to last rm. In there gt one big coffin n gt a gal wearing 'qipao' lying inside-'Adeline' . So we put de light stick at her legs then de councillor thr ask where is de 'charm'. Return it liiaos lorhx!!! Den she suddenly sit up n strt to comb her hair den lie back down agn. Den Susan go sing Christmas song give her listen, den he say 'Where gt lyk dat one?!!? Evrytime I sing this song always gt ppl laugh but she nvr laugh one!!!'. She nvr laugh but de rest of us all laugh till kisiiaox. After dat we go to parade square n tell ghost story lorhx. Henry chicken out siiax. So scared for wad? After dat we go bathe lorhx. Queqe very very very very long siiax so de councillor block de male toilet n ask some of us go in n bathe there.....So bathe in thr larhx!! Hu cares?!! Bout 1~2 smth den fell asleep...
Next dae woke at 5.45 a.m. n I was lyk 1/4 awake 3/4 asleep so sleep till 6 smth n woke up, but still 3/4 awake 1/4 asleep so talk to Chia Qi, Enid, Jue Wen, Kim, Hui Yi n Veronica for a while den go wash up. After dat we had flag raising n morinig exercise followed by breakfast. Afte dat we had mass dance/disco!!!! So fun lorhs~ First we dance our OC dance. Very nice dance n de music is now stuck in my head siiax. Den we made a very long humanchoochootrain n run around de sku hall while a lot of nice music was playing. Run n run n run n run evrywhr lyk crazy......very fun, n i sweat alot. After dat was some prize presentation thing n 103 gt 3rd in survival thingiie!!!!! YAY!!!! 103 RULEEESSS!!!! Den we took class photo n went home lorhx. Omg this is de longest post I ever post.........

Blogged @ 8:26 PM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Todae strt studying lerhx so lyk =.=.... Euu get wad i mean ritex? So first subject of the dae was...... History..... Quite fun larhx, nt as boring as i thought it would be.... Den go elect class committee.... I kena sabo twice....First time(By Shi Yuan) managed to escape but second time(By wad's dat guy's name agn? Susan(He's a boii btw)? Shld b larhx dono he go point point point den dono point at miie or Moe Han so teacher just write my name lorhs.... =.=) I kena liiaox..... So here is our class committee:
Chairman: Norman
Vice-Chairman: Renee
Treasurer: Nai Kang
IT Rep: Evan n Augustine
Care Rep: Lionel n Miie=.=
Environment Rep:Rachel
Cleanliness Rep: Jue Wen n Susan

Den still gt larhx but i think i forgot de rest lerhx haha><!

Blogged @ 2:28 AM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Todae was quite fun. We had class 'picnic'(lol just sit in canteen n eat) n guess wad evryone brought? Potato chips. It was smth lyk recess+lunch=picnic, calculate by urself. Before dat we go back to class n play games lyk blow wind blow(agn) and den play honey i love you (bleah) n 'hui lai', its a game whr thr's one empty seat n we have to try to stop de person in de middle from sitting on it(something lyk dat). Den we practice cheer until ppl on de second floor can hear us (lolx) den bomb de other classes. Den we go paint class flag. The girl us miie to write synopsis (spelt wrong?) or something but i dono hw to write so ask councillor(Chun Xian) write for miie n he really write (lol). 2moro nid to study lerx lor sure die lerhx larhx...

Blogged @ 2:39 AM

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hw was ur first dae in de nw sec? Mine was abit siiao lorhx...I gt into class 103,(lucky i bo solo) 2gether with Shi Yuan n Jun Xian. De form teacher is Mrs Yeo n co-form teacher is Miss Yeo. So den go back to class n fill in forms lorhx, gt at least 2. Den ltr get into grps n design flag for orientation camp><(16 Jan~17 Jan) Dono wad to draw so anyhw draw n ours got chosen. LOLx. Den decide wad to buy for picnic next Tues, each grp sponser 1 item, our grp sponser potato chips n biscuits lorhx. Gt ppl sponser coke, crackers, etc.... After sch met up with Enid, Dylan n Jenn Wei den walk 2 MRT. Miie, Enid n Dylan gt off at Lakeside cuz Enid n I wan go see Zhang lao shi^^ so walk all de way frm Lakeside mrt 2 BLGPS, so far.... So den went 2 see her n met Yan Ting thr so all 3 of us went to see teacher. After dat walk back home n saw a cat, it kept licking my leg.... So walk of den my cousin suddenly appeared frm behind miie so we both walk home 2gether lorhx. I nt very sure wad to bring 2 sch 2moro, can any1 tell miie?

Blogged @ 9:35 PM