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Friday, February 27, 2009

Just here to post bout yesterdae^^.

27 Feb

Ok. So we had lessons as usual ya. First lesson was Home Econ. Made African salad. It tastes sour n weird -.= .Den was Maths. Went through de wrksht agn. So borriiinngg... I nearly fell aslp. Den was recess. Time taken up by Physics to do quick revision for Mon CT. No time left for recess n i was damn hungry... Followed by Bio. One of my favourite lessons, Cus its interesting n of course de boiis kept talking rubbish larhx =D Yesterdae's lesson was ex farniie cus Ms Loy was talking bout chromosomes n girl boii thingys, like ppl used to say dono wad will have a boii n dono wad will have a girl blahblah. Den Norman was lyk 'Ms Loy, u have small backside so u will have a boii.' *Evry1 laughs loudly lyk their crazy* Omg hw could he sae such things??!! Den Ms Loy laughed lyk siiao too. Ya. Den we kept on laughing n laughing... Den was HCL. BOriing lesson so will skip it. LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!! Ate noodles n went back to class. Den as EL. Mdm Junaidah didn't come!!!!!! Class went into chaos!! So miie n Lionel were talking bout de b'dae cake thingy n i was sitting on de chair n he wad sitting on de floor... Sounds weird... Nvm he too tall. He sit on de floor also can, nt my problem. Den many ppl from other classes came in. Wah we so noisy... Den they strted talking crap bout us. Ya u ppl shld noe hu i'm referring to kayes. Den blahblahblahblahblahblahed for 1/2 hr. Den was Enrichment. Went to auditorium for smth(?). We first class to reach thr. Ya. Den we watched show. Nearly fell asleep. De teacher was farniie. Den walked with Enid, Shi Yuan n Chen Ru to MRT station. Den took Mrt with them. Walked home alone den. Chatted with Lionel for a while. Den chatted with Shi Yuan. End of my borriiingg post^^. LOLx.

Blogged @ 6:27 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ok i'm bored. Just went to Huiyi's blogg n saw some quizs(?). Did them. Here are results(i so lame one =D):

You Are WTF?

As far as you're concerned, the internet is getting weirder and weirder.

And you're the type of person who can never look away, no matter how bizarre or gross something is.

No doubt about it, there are some pretty deeply disturbing people out there. And they are totally shameless!

You can't help but say, "What the f*?" There really is no other appropriate reaction.

You Are Apple Juice

You're very likable and quite popular. It's hard not to find something to love about you.

You are playful and fun. You try to bring levity to situations.

While you are entertaining, you're not very hyper or mischievous.

You are laid back, low key, and even a bit sensitive.

You Are: 60% Dog, 40% Cat

You are a nice blend of cat and dog.

You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.

And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.

You Are a Red Crayon

Your world is colored with bright, vivid, wild colors.

You have a deep, complex personality - and you are always expressing something about yourself.

Bold and dominant, you are a natural leader. You have an energy that is intense... and sometimes overwhelming.

Your reaction to everything tends to be strong. You are the master of love-hate relationships.

Your color wheel opposite is green. Green people are way too mellow to understand what drives your energy.

You Are a Carousel

You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously.

You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure.

In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of.

And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal.

Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy.

You have a lot of emotional attachments, and experiences are extra vivid to you.

You tend to be nostalgic and sentimental. The past is important to you.

Comfortable around all living things, you have a special connection to animals and children.

At your best, you are whimsical, free spirited, and creative.

Even if your schemes seem a bit strange, they usually work out wonderfully.

At your worst, you are spoiled, demanding, and impossible to satisfy.

You've been known to act like a brat if you aren't getting your way!

You Are Elmo

Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do!

You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing.

You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you.

How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"

Blogged @ 1:25 AM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm BORRREEEEDDDDDDDD!!!!! -.= Haiiixxx... Dono y i'm even here... OK. We had History CT 2dae n it was damn hard kayes... Yapss. So i'm happy if i pass ya^^. Had English after de test. Smth farniie happened during dat period. Mdm Junaidah was lyk 'i didn't come yesterdae cus had to go to SGH cus i pregnant.' Den de boiis, esp Henry, were lyk, 'U PREGNANT??!!' Den she was lyk 'Ya larhs!!! If not u think wad? I fat arhx??!!!! Den Henry was lyk 'Ya, I thot u fat.' LOLxx. *Evryone laughs loud* x.x Den was Bio. Lesson very funny n interestinq ya. Boiis were tokinq rubbish. Veriii farniiieee rubbish^^. Ya den was break. Drank peach tea. Ya dats all. Gt a new brown highlighter frm Lionel ya.^^ Very gd to use.^^ Happy.^^ OK den we had BORIIINNNNGGGG lessons. Yes i'm referring to Mathematics n Geography. Had another break. I didn't eat. Trying to get my squirrel back frm u noe hu. U ppl probably guessed it right.

-Skipped de other lessons-
Den was CEP. Norman, Henry, Nai Kang n Susan put up a very very farniiieee skit. Laughed lyk crazy =D Den stayed back for HCL remid. Nearly fell aslp....zzz... Walked home with Chen Ru after dat ya. OK. Postinq ends here. BYE BYE.

Blogged @ 3:06 AM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here to post bout yesterdae cus 2dae nth much to post..^^

16 Feb

Ok lessons per norm. Ya. iI lyk gt nth to sae lyk datx. Ok after sku gt CareForce Induction Programme. Wah name sound so.....weird... Yah so waited for Lionel....He so slow siax.... Kepp writing n writing n writing.... Lol... So when he finally ready, we go sky garden. Yah. Registered name n sat in flexi classrm. I WAN CHANGE CLASSRM!!! FLEXI CLASSRM SO NICE!!! So i didn't wan to sit with him so sat one sit apart. Haha. Okies. Den ltr 102 class de care reps came n sat with us n we strted talking^^. Den mi n Lionel exchanged watch. Yah i'm siiao i noe. So den ppl came n gave a short talk. Den we proceeded to sky garden for games!!! First game was ''honey honey i love you'.........(here we go agn) So den we played. Nv get sabo so lucky. Den one of de CareForce member said to de girl in de center said 'Wad abt de guy with de white watch?', Lolx it was MY watch n LIONEL WAS WEARING IT...-.= So lame. So returned each other's watch. Yah. After dat we played 'stealing yhe treasure(?)'. So den was lyk wad we played during OC. So fun. Den they give us 1 feedback form n 1 registrtion form to fill in. So both of us went to de staircase behind de sky garden dere to fill in. Dere more coolig cus it was raining so we were wet ya. So fill in lerhx take back n go. Den walked with him for a while. Den i go home by myself. OF COURSE LARHX DON THINK ANYTHING ELSE KAYES!!!

Blogged @ 3:32 AM

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just posting bout yesterdae. Ya. So it was lessons as usual. Had captain's ball match during recess time to select players. Stupid guy stand in front of miie.... Cant see anything except his big head.... Dat is de consequence of being 4 cm shorter den him...LOL XD. Den ltr we late for Bio de kena scolded by Ms Loy so have to come back during lunch time for lesson. Pitiful us, nvr eat anything....SOBX.... Den was Mdm Junaidah English class. She let us have lunch!!!^^ Ate n had enrichment aftr dat. Den got my lollipops n changed to tracks n P.E Tee. Retyed hair n ran to NP rm. 2dae sec3 took over for 1h so she dono our names cus bo namelist. Den seh grp us sec1s n sec2s into different grps....lols i tok rubbish... So den we go play games for 1h.....So fun!!! Den sec4s came back n took over. Den we learnt camp crafts(?). Tied knots. Figure of eight n thunb knots. Den went to sky garden to do warm ups. Followed by circuit(?) run. RAn for dono hw many rounds...i lost count cus damn tired..... Den did cooling downs. Den went to NP rm n DISMISSED!!!!!! FAther came to fetch miie^^ Den went home. Mondae still have to stay back for CareForce thingy.... Dono wad to expect siax....

Blogged @ 8:18 PM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Todae was lyk de norm until Geog lesson. Had Geog retest cus i failed de first one... Gt only 9/20 -.=... Ya so de retest was harder den de test....I'm getting confused...*blur sotong look* So when retest halfway gt de same gal which giv us form yesterdae come in but...i didnt notice her cus 2 engrossed in test liiaos......>< So Mdm Poon was lyk care rep, care rep, care rep, care rep so many times until i heard n strted looking fo form...PAISEH... Den past form to her n coninue test....think will not fail lerhx larhx.......

So arter sku...... Nid to gather at AVA rm 1..... Dono whr de hell was it at... So just folowed Henry, Moe Han n Lionel thr^^. So we were thr extra(abt 30 mins) earlier. See? We so 'guaii' ya den strted talk rubbish til time reach. Den went into de rm n they briefed us blahblahblah..... Evry1 was lyk so noisy lorhx(ya including mi n de 3 boiis). All keep talking bout $#@*%& when they explained. So den lesson over walked with Lionel n Moe Han. Den Lionel sae wan wait for his mother so left mi n Moe Han. We walked to Mrt station den Saw Ms Yeo. Moe Han went home n left miie with Ms Yeo. Talked with her for a while n she also left. Den i alone.....-.= Den take mrt go home... ...


Blogged @ 1:15 AM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dis post is dedicated to CHAN HONG, cus she asked miie to post. Happy???

Came back early 2dae. Yah. I'm lyk a total moron dono wad to write...-.= Ok first lesson for de dae was ENGLISH. Ya so i didn't finish de homework so strt finding some1 hu can let miie copy^^ Ya i noe i'm bad. So den Mdm Junaidah when through de homewrk blahblahblah. Den was HISTORY. Kayes Ms Kee was going to give out History test results n i was lyk'Omg if i fail i'm so so dead...'.... So when she called my name i took my paper n saw dat i gt 13/20. I happy lyk siiao kayes!!! Den she went through some things n lesson was over!!! After dat was P.E. Took very long to change cus i was lyk talking away n suddenly realised dat almost evry1 had gone(except for mi n a few others ><). So we quickly ran to de field den Mr Tan briefed us blahblahblah n we got into 4 grps. Funny thing was dat he put four of his pictures on the wall n ask us kick his 'face'. LOL XD. No one in same grp as mi could kick dat high... Mi n Chen Ru keep talking cus we were lyk damn bored.....-.= After dat we changed n went to hall for assembly..... Came back down for BIO. Well, all de other classes were already dismissed larhx, only our class gt extra lesson. See? We are so special^^ Den gt class committee meeting, but whole class gather thr. Den Ms Yeo n Mrs Yeo talktalktalk bout dis n dat... Den she ask hu not happ with their posts...BLAHBLAHBLAH... Den she said.....'CARE REPS SLACKING RITES???? NTH TO DO HORHS???' Oh dear.... Den she said 'Care Reps... Wad euu 2 wan do for evryone's b'dae? How bout giving b'dae cards to dem?' den i was lyk ok lorhx. Lolx. Evrything i ans. Lionel nvr sae anything><. So evrything also say okokokokok den can liiaos. Den some1 tell her dat Veronica suggested we have some outdoor rep or smth, den she said dat she will put care reps in charge 0.0...... Die..... Mind overloaded..... Too many things to do...... Don kill miie......(LOL XD i jkjk). After dat meeting over^^. So went through side gate. Walked with Hong Jiat, Ju Xian n Lionel for a while den go seperate directions. Kept walking till saw some1 hu looked lyk Chen Ru. Walked up to her n really was Chen Ru!!! So happy!!! I no nid walk alone liiaos!!! So took MRT with her to Boon Lay n walk for a while. Den went home. End of story. Come back next time(may b long time ltr^^)

Blogged @ 11:00 PM