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Thursday, March 26, 2009

OK. Here to post bou dis few daes.


OK i will skip d dae's lessons. After sku nid to fall in outside Np rm to get form for K9 Dog Unit Visit. So once i gt d form i ran to find Natalie they all cus gt Home Econ project. Ya. We went to Natalie's house to do. Om d way we also bout some bubbletea. Mine was coffee^^ Den we went to Nat's house. Her house is BIG ok. VERY BIG. Ya. DEn we strt project. I ony did lyk 15% or lesser lorhxx. I was slacking, n so was Kim, Chan and Natalie. I think d one hu did d most was Chia Qi. Den mi n Kim left at 5 smth. Took bus to Clementi Mrt station thr. Den Richie called. He ive mi headache seyy... Den took Mrt back home.


Skip lessons. After sku went to K9 Dog Unit. Took bus thr with squad Ma'am brought us thr. When reach thr, we went to see ddaogs train. Den gt one dog sit beside mi. Ka Yan gt feaked out. Lolx. Den we went for briefing(?) Ya. Den proceeded to vie d dogs. D kennel was damn freaking smelly. I nearly vomitted kayes! Den go touch dogs. Both of my hands kena dog saliva. Even my watch also gt saliva -.- Den go wash hand. Den go back. Walked home with Enid. Ya. End of post kayes ppl.

Blogged @ 2:07 AM

Saturday, March 21, 2009
100 Truths

Tagged by Chan to do dis quizz.....Its damn freaking long so pls bear with miie kayes^^:

001. Real Name: Cassandra Tan Ying Qi
002. Nickname(s): Erm.....i dono?
003. Age: 12
004. Horoscope: Sagittarius
005. Male or Female: Female. Duh
006. Elementary: ....How wud i rmbr?
007. Middle School: Boon Lay Garden Primary School
008. High School: Nan Hua High School
009. College School: -
010. Hair colour: Black.
011. Long or Short: Medium. LOL XD
012. Loud or Quiet: Depends
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone
015. Health Freak: Nopes
016. Drink or Smoke: N/A
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Duh
018. Eat or Drink: BOTH^^
019. Piercings: None
020. Tattoos: N/A
021. Social or Anti-Social: Social. Hahas
022. Righty or lefty: Righty.
023. First piercing: N/A
024. First relationship: N/A
025. First Best Friend: Mei Fang
026. First Award: i gt short term memory....can't rmbr
027. First Kiss: parents. Duh
028. First Pet: Tortoise. They r still here, wanna see?
029. First Big Vacation: I don't have a BIG vacation. Just a NORMAL one.
030. First Love At First Sight: erm........yaps...once...
031. First Big Birthday: I haven even celebrated a big big one yets -.-
032. First Surgery: N/A
033. First sport you joined: Swimming
034. Orange or Apple juice: Apple
035. Rock or Rap: Both
036. Country or Screamo: Both
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreet Boys.
038. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: Britney Spears(!!!).
039. Night or Day: Night.
040. Sun or Moon: Moon
041. TV or Internet: Internet
042. Playstation or xbox: Playstation
043. Kiss or hug: Kiss
044. Iguana or turtle: i already have a turtle....i wan iguana
045. Spider or bee: hw bout spider?
046. Fall or spring: Fall. Its cooling^^
047. Limewire or iTunes: iTunes.
048. Soccer or baseball: Soccer^^(played soft. haha)
049. Eating: Food, LOL
050. Drinking: Bubbletea
051. Excitement level: Depends on my mood. :)
052. I’m about to: Download songs on phone.
053. Listening to: How Do You Sleep - Jesse McCartney
054. Plan for today: Slacking^^
055. Waiting for: to finish this quiz.
056. Energy Level: Medium lvl
057. Thinking of someone: yaps. Some boii frm my pri sku..
058. Want kids?: Yea -.-
059. Want to get married?: Yea. Duh.
060. When?: Whn I'm older
061. How many kids do you want: ...Let nature take its course bahss^^
062. Any name on the mind: .....Nopes
063. What did you want to be when you were little: Veterinarian
064. Careers in mind: eterinarian, Teacher, blahblahblah
065. Mellow future or wild: Both. A mix.
066. Something you would never try: Drugs/Suicide.
067. When do you want to die: Whn I'm happily married, and have grandchildren. -.-
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
069. Romantic or Funny?: Both.
070. Shorter or Taller?: .....don wan.
071. Protective or Caring?: Both.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Both.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Both? LOL XD
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Sensitive
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship.
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: None.
077. Muscular or normal: Normal.
078. Kissed a stranger: Nah.
079. Broken a bone: Yeps
080. Lost glasses or contacts: No.
081. Ran away from home: Nah. I'm gd.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Nah.
083. Killed somebody: Nah.
084. Broken someone’s heart: Dono
085. Had your heart broken: Yaps
086. Been arrested: No.
087. Cried when someone died: Yaps
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: Yaps
089. Do you believe in yourself: Nt really.
090. Miracles: Depends
091. Love at first sight: Yaps
092. Heaven: Nt really
093. Santa Claus: No.
094. Tooth Fairy: Nah. -.=
095. Kiss in the first date: Nopes
096. Angels: No.

Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Yap yaps
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: Yeah.
099. Do you believe in God?: Kindof
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.

01. Kim
02. Renee
03. Angela
04. Natalie
05. Jie Yi
06. Pei Xuan
07. Rui Ying
08. Enid
09. Soek Hui
10. Xin Lin


Blogged @ 8:52 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here to post bout yesterdae's events:

17 March

Had Maths Trail yesterdae. Plain borinngg. Went to ChinaTown. First stop: ChinaTown Heritage Centre. It was so damn dark inside kayes..... Like gt ghost inside or smth. Walked with grp: Shi Yuan, Chia Qi, Me, Jue Wen, n....Lionel......ALL HONG JIAT'S FAULT LARH!!!! PURPOSELY GRP MIIE 2GETHER WITH DAT GUY LARH!!!! Sianx....always lyk dat.... Ok nvm..... Den walked around in d heritage centre to find d answers to complete our wrksheet. We gt stuck to d television thr.....haha waste loads of time. Den thr was one place whr Ju Xian ask miie put my ear to de wall n listen cus he heard smth behind d wall.... So i put my ear against d wall...n heardsome1 laughing 'hehehehehehehehehehehe!!!' OMG LORHS. So scary. Den d room whr gt noise gt puppet thr mahs. Den its eyes were lyk staring at Ju Xian lorhs. Scared till we got out of d room. Den we kena scolded by some freak. Izit her business dat we talking to each other?! Y she bother so much?! SIIAO LORHS! After dat we rushed out of d heritage centre. Don wan to stay in such a place liaos. Walked around ChinaTown. Led by Lionel. Lucky bo lost if nt all his fault lorhs, anyhow walk here walk thr, lyk dono whr to go lyk dats. In d end we follow Shi Yuan larhx, at least she noe whr she going. Did d questions. Den Lionel treated mi n Shi Yuan to ice cream. Hehe we so bad ^^ Den we went 'SHOPPING'. Walked around ChianTown see gt anything to buy ornots. I bought one very very very very furry fox. Den treated Kim, Natalie n Renee to ice cream. After dat we gathered at mrt station thr d stairs wait for bus to fetch us back to sku. Ya.
Den we took mrt to jurong point for 'class' outing. Ok nt really CLASS OUTING, but mayb GROUP OUTING. Actually i went thr cus i wan to slack de. Haha so lame. Went to eat lunch first. Went to SubWay to eat. Miie, Weixin n Chen Ru went to change to home clothes first before ordering. Den when we came back, Susan was lyk 'Walao! De 3 of u horhs, when in sku act so guaii guaii, but when go out horhs, u all look n dress lyk PUNK lyk dat! WEIXIN, ltr i go tell Qin Kai. Chen Ru,ltr i tell Jun Xian. Cassandra, ltr i tell Lionel.' So lame -.= Den we just ignored him. We ordered n ate. Den we went to arcade play. Some ppl kena chased out cus they were wearing lyk our class tee or half our sku uni, lyk home shirt n sku skirt/shorts. N i was wearing Nan Hua socks... So i folded them down till de words 'NHHS' cud nt b seen. Den i could go in. Played for a while den took neoprints with Chan, Shi Yuan, Yu Sean, Natalie n Jia Er. Den walked home with Chen Ru. Ya dats all i have to write.....So byes^^...

Blogged @ 9:43 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ruii taqqed miie to do 2 quizziiees. So here they r:

1 What is ur full name?
Cassandra Tan Ying Qi

2 Do u like ur name
Yapzxs!! Quite happiiee with it^^

3 How long do u like the person u currently like
For some time lerhsxz loh...

4 Hav u kissed anyone before?
Yups :D

5 Did u cry today?

6 wat r u doing at 8am this morning?
Slpinq^^ Ima very gd slacker.

7 What were u doing an hour ago?

8 what r u currently doing now?
Breathing, posting, doinq some freaking maths quiz, n doinq dis quiz

9 Who last texted u?

10 Have u told someone 'i love u today?'

11 Are u missing anyone now?
Yeahs .

12 Any plans for tomorrow?
Literature appreciation talk....Borinq...

13 What is the reason the last time u cried..
Erh. I forgot y i cried :)

14 Anyone u want to be wif rite now
Yapsxz. Not telling hu...

15 Hav u kissed anyone that start wif 's'?
Erm.... I dono...

16 Name anyone THAT make u smile today
Shi Yuan

17 Name someone that strts wif 'z'
Zhen Min korkor^^

18 Which friend of urs stay near u?
Jing Hui

19 do u prefer to call or text?
Call. It's easier to talk .

20 do u prefer today or yesterday?
Yesterdae. I was shopping.

21 can u live a day without handphone or televison?
Yes for television. No fo fon. Im addicted to it.

22 Are u mad wif anything rite now?
My Maths standard. I gt nearly all de ques wrong. Correct is i tyco one.

23 Do u think relationships is worth it?

24 Who is the last person u visit at the hospital?
Lonq lonq lonq lonq time ago

25 who gave u the last and second hug?

26 What is the last message in ur hp says?
"Ur ic & ur ic" I was askinq Lionel wad was de pass n user for ace-learninq -.=

27 Do u hate anyone..
Yeah. Not tellinq hu.

28 Who was the last person u called?
Shi Yuan

Tag 5 ppl to do this quiz
3. KIM

(Time for next one)

1.Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?

2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Groqqy. N slpy.

3.Who was the last person who you took photo with?
Squad photo at New Town Sec after swearing in ceremony. Hahas.

4.Would you consider to be spoiled?
Ima gd gal. Im nt spoiled. (Ur head luh)

5.Would you ever donate blood ?

6.Have you have a good friend of an opposite sex?
Yap Yaps!

7.Do you want someone dead ?
Ima good person so helluva no.

8.What does your last text msg say?
"Ur ic & ur ic" From Lionel. LOL XD

9.What are you thinking of right now ?
How im gona flunk my Maths n Literature

10.Did you wish someone was with you right now ?

11. When did you go to sleep last night ?

12 .Where did you bought your t-shirt that you are wearing now?

13.Is someone in your mind right now?

14. Who last the last person who texted you?
De freak whom i call Lionel Ng Rong Quan

15. People tagged to do this quiz ?
16. Who is 2 [CHANHONG] having a relationship with ?

17 . Is 3 [RENEE]female or male ?
Female, duh.

18. If 7 [PEIXUAN] and 10 [JINGHUI] gets together will it be a good thing ?
Peii will get bullied siax...

19.What is number 1 [HUIYI] study about?

20.Is number 4 [KIM] single ?
Yupps.... Unless she nvr sae...

21.Say something about number 5 [NATALIE] .
Very cute n chio

22.What do you think about number 3 [RENEE] and 6 [ENID] together ?
They don even noe each other...

23. Describe no.9 [SOKHIAN] .
Chiobu Senior. Hahas.

24.What will you do if number 6 [ENID] & 7[PEIXUAN] fight ?
They fight?! U gt to b kidding miie! They bestiies lehszx!!

25. Do you like number 8 [RUIYING]?
I don like her.I LOVE HER TILL I SIIAO.

End of d quizziieess.. Now go concentrate on Maths.....

Blogged @ 1:58 AM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Here to post bout my freaking bad results...... 'Holidaes' r finally here et ppl r still so busy.... Anyway, here r d resultszx(i dono over wad kayes):

Art: 79
(ok not too bad...Dis one i quite happyy)

English Language: 60
(LOLzx? Kayes i dono over wad so i feel its .... okay?)

(I passed!!! I passed!!! MIRACLE HAPPEN!!!)

Higher Chinese:68
(Wow i actually passed^^!!! I thot i wud fail......o.0)

(Dis 1 arhx.....Quite happy though can do better next time.....Cus dis time bo study^^)

Home Economics:67
(Not very happy.....cud do better....*sobs*...Kayes i nt at emo...)

(PERFECT FEILO. I suck at dis subject..... Haha. I so nubb)

(Near Feilo. I did very bad for dis 1. Dono y. Must be bcus Maths lesson dat time i always slacking....^^)

(Lets sae dis, 103 TOPPED SEC ! FOR SCIENCE^^(although i'm sure i didnt play a part of it o.0)!!!! So i'm happy with dis result.)

I absent for 2 daes. Hehehe. Sick with fever. Forever like dat. Canot have full attendance derhx.>:o

Blogged @ 8:30 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Had Road Run n Mass Games dae 2dae. Went to West Coast Park with Chen Ru. My father fetch us thr. when rch thr we lyk lost lyk dat. So farniiiee. Den saw Richie n Zhen He. Den Richie was lyk playinq with de equipment thr. He nearly fell down lorhx. Den we saw Norman. He carry so many bananas until i thot he siaox. Den assembled at stage area thr. Sang national anthem, said pledqe n sang sku sonq. Den proceeded to run. Funny thing was dat Ms Yeo spotted one bottle of 1.5l ice lemon tea. UNHEALTHY FOOD!!! ARHSSXX!!! Ok i'm over reactinq. Took n drank it. Too much canot finish so we shared arnd. Shared saliva. Hahas. Lolx don talk bout it lerhxx, i nth to sae bout it. Ya. Den was class picnic. Saw Sok Hian. Lucky she still recognise me. Took pic. Ms Yeo graded us for no. of healthy food. Followed by mass games. Captainball. Won 2 rounds n lost 1. Had fun larhx, dats all i care bout. Den was prize presentation. So lonq de. Susan was farniie. Sun very hot. I melted thr. Now my skin gt 2 colours:light brown(skin covered by socks)n dark brown(skin not covered by socks). Thr is a damn distinct line between. Haixx.... Went home by bus. Actually want take taxi but ltr don wan. Took bus with Norman, Lionel, Jia Er, Chen Ru n Shi Yuan. Gt off near Juronq East Mrt station thr. Thirsty. Lionel treat miie 2 drink^^ Happy^^ Den took Mrt with Chen Ru n Shi Yuan. went to jp. Walk for a while den qo home. Now sitting here postinqq.... Lols i bo liao....

Blogged @ 11:38 PM