Horny post.
Dio influenced le la-.-
MY MOM! lols -.-
but really damn funny. dos hu turned up yesterdae fr de group meeting would noe.
espacially dis:

Aha. we all thot mengyeow threw in rubbish bin 0.o lols. Laugh till crazy lidats.
but it was fun. Apart from de idiot horny guy kept spamming us with horny stuff. Namely de idiot below.

Stupid horny fish-.- lols
Lols. Whole dae he kept going MY MOM! MY MOM! MY MOM! fr lyk 2h? o.0
den all dio influence and strted too~ Lols.
Kept raining doh -.-
Camwhored in sku with them.
Den l8r went home with them.
Lols. And de horny stuff kept being spammed till we got on a bus -.-
Pity me, stephanie, jingsen and mengyeow 0.o
Have to listen to horny crapping. Tsk tsk tsk.
Get off bus he continued agn.
Den l8r i think mengyeow cant stand fish le so he took bus den de rest of us took mrt. Haha. lols. Pitiful guy-.-
Den jingsen went off at boonlay. Leaving 2 pitiful ppl to tolerate de horny fish. Grr...
Den when got off he continued AGN. ROARS.
He nvr seems to stop -.-
Dn finally got off n went different directionsXD
Stephanie damn pitiful leyys. went same direction as him. tsk tsk tsk.
careful kayes?
Next Mondae.....
my turn die 0.o~ SAVE ME LA